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Partner Organizations

RMP partners with other organizations for the purpose of ministry alignment, encouragement, and mutual effectiveness. Partner organizations have various levels of official connection to RMP, ranging from financial adminstration of donations to praying for one another.

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Compassion International

Compassion International is a child-advocacy ministry that pairs compassionate people with those who are suffering from poverty. The ministry releases children from spiritual, economic, social, and physical poverty. The goal is for each child to become a responsible and fulfilled adult. 


Compassion's work in Rwanda began in 1980. Currently, more than 69,600 children participate in more than 270 church-based child development centers. 


Compassion partners with churches to help them provide Rwandan children with the opportunity to rise above their circumstance and become all God has created them to be. 


Double your impact by sponsoring a Compassion child here!  RMP has a special arrangement with Compassion so that individuals and churches may sponsor children in Rwanda and support RMP at the same time. As partner organization, Compassion makes a small donation to RMP each time a child is sponsored through this site.


Sponsor a child from Rwanda here!

Embrace Rwanda

The Embrace Rwanda International Society is a grassroots community development partnership between Canada and Rwanda. The mission is to provide a remarkable example of how developing relationships, establishing partnerships and building on the strengths and resilience of a very vulnerable population has created an environment for healing and growth. 

Walk with Rwanda

Walk with Rwanda is a capital fundraising campaign working towards financial sustainability and ministry expansion for the Anglican Church of Rwanda. As a ministry under the guidance of the House of Bishops and Rwanda's Archbishop, RMP facilitates donations for Walk with Rwanda. Funds that are given through RMP will be transferred to Rwanda Anglican Capital Investments (RACI), the implementing organization of the Anglican Church of Rwanda.


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